Photography Jobs without College Education
Microstock Photography - You certainly know what Stock Photography is, if you have been reading my blog. Yes this is the job most people prefer, which completely depends on your photographs, nothing else matters. These links can educate you about microstock photography, best microstock websites and much more.
Realty estate Photography - You would require help finding these kind of companies. A digital camera and some hard work is more than enough.
Freelance Magazine - You need to contact magazines and offer them your work, if they like it they will pay you for it, if they don't they will send you packing. Either way you don't need to set foot in their office so they won't even ask for your credentials.
Freelance Web and Graphic Design - This can be done by anybody who knows designing. Softwares like Photoshop and Illustrator are popular these days. If you have a hand on it than go for it. However, you need to market your work by networking with people using various social networking sites. Another option is to sell your designs on Stock photo sites.
Microstock Photography - You certainly know what Stock Photography is, if you have been reading my blog. Yes this is the job most people prefer, which completely depends on your photographs, nothing else matters. These links can educate you about microstock photography, best microstock websites and much more.
Realty estate Photography - You would require help finding these kind of companies. A digital camera and some hard work is more than enough.
Freelance Magazine - You need to contact magazines and offer them your work, if they like it they will pay you for it, if they don't they will send you packing. Either way you don't need to set foot in their office so they won't even ask for your credentials.
Freelance Web and Graphic Design - This can be done by anybody who knows designing. Softwares like Photoshop and Illustrator are popular these days. If you have a hand on it than go for it. However, you need to market your work by networking with people using various social networking sites. Another option is to sell your designs on Stock photo sites.
Local Photography - You don't have to be a professional photographer for this, nobody is going to ask your qualification here. You are a free bird, just need to learn taking that unusual flight. Clicking photos at local events, music shows, festivals and selling them to local newspapers could be an option.
Photography Exhibitions - You can sell your work by conducting exhibitions. Well, some ground work should be done before.
Photography Jobs where education is needed
Photography Agency - Now this is a place where you need extensive training. Perhaps the hardest task to convince them for an opportunity. They won't entertain you just like that, unless you have some training with professional equipment.
Model Photography - This one depends a lot on how you deal with people. However, you need some credentials to start with as a photographer. I know a person who shared some of his work on facebook, and got an offer the next day without any prior education.
Advertising - Advertising is field where you need a degree. You also might need education in the field of advertising.
These are the jobs you can try depending on your photography education. There are few more, which I prefer covering later.