There are numerous sites where you can sell photos, but before that remember these few things:
- Acceptable images
first of all to sell your images they must be good enough i.e, acceptable from microstock's point. So your photos need to be technically right.
first of all to sell your images they must be good enough i.e, acceptable from microstock's point. So your photos need to be technically right.
[Note: Microstock websites in simple words are websites which take images from almost anybody(amateurs, professionals) provided those images meet their technical requirements, and sell those images at a lower price. People who buy your images are basically ad agencies, art directors, graphic artists, magazines, etc. They do these to avoid hiring a full time photographer. So in order to sell your photos make sure they are clean and clear technically. That's the reason why I insist to keep practicing.
- No digital noise
Most of the microstock sites are very strict over the quality of the images, digital noise being one reason. It is caused by high ISO, grain effect, under exposures and long exposures. Noise can be removed using suitable software's like Lightroom and Photoshop.
- Avoid landscape photos
There are thousands of images like these on the microstock sites, don't ever think of earning more from landscape photos. To sell your photos they should be commercially in demand and usable.
- No copyrighted material in Stock Photo Sites
Images submitted should not have copyrighted content like company logo or name...
- Model release required
If you have any recognizable person in the photographs, you need to sign a model release from them. Its basically a permission to use these images commercially. If you don't get model release, images can still be submitted as editorial(less salable).
- Build a good portfolio
The more no. of images, more the money. For instance you submit one image to a microstock site and its downloaded 10 times(assuming your commission to be $0.25 for each downloaded photo) than you get 10x.$25=$2.5. If you have 500 images(salable) and assuming the average download/image is 5, then you get 500x0.25=$625(which is only for a single agency).
- Select the best photo agencies or microstock sites and save time
Do a small research and see which agencies sell more images.
Keywords help to bring your images in the search results. So this is one of the most important task. There are different tools available that can help you choose the right keywords. Always use accurate keywords that match your photographs, and avoid junk keywords. You have a look at others images and see what keywords they have used.
- Processing your photos
You may have to learn some photo editing tools in order to improve image quality. Nowadays everyone does that.
-Finally upload your images to Microstock websites
There are different ways to upload images. The web upload form is available on all the stock photo sites which basically consumes lot of time if you're submitting your images to multiple sites(which I'm sure you'll). The easiest method id via FTP software where you just have to drag and drop the files from your computer to their servers.
Once you have submitted the images, the next step is to continue taking more images. Remember the process continues like this. This will improve your photography skills day by day. Selling Photos had never been so easy before. If you are truly interested in making a living from phototography, then microstock photography is the first thing to do.