Annie Leibovitz - Highest Paid Photographer

Annie LeibovitzAnnie Leibovitz is one of the highest paid photographer in the world. She is best known for Portrait Photography. Born on Oct 2, 1949, in Westbury, Connecticut. She took a job at Rolling Stone Magazine in 1970. Later started working for the entertainment magazine Vanity Fair. With her amazing talent she has been publishing and exhibiting her work since 1990s.

I thought of adding this post to motivate aspiring photographers who are thriving to make a mark in the world of photography. I know its slightly out of context, but I couldn't miss the best photographer who influences others through her work from being associated with this blog. You too can begin your career by working for magazines.

Annie Leibovitz
This post along with the previous two were off topic, I know. But I'm trying to show you what the greatest photographers do. If you see the post 10 Most Expensive Photographs Ever Sold, you will understand what makes them so priceless. It's easy to learn from the greatest and follow their footsteps.

Annie Leibovitz facebook page